Just like home! Woke up in St. Malo and thought we were back at Gosport with the Portsmouth-St. Malo ferry Bretagne moored opposite.
The leg from Granville to St. Malo was good. Nice sail, enough wind to make a healthy 5+ knots and a real sense of achievement coping with the tides. Massive tidal current on entrance to the marina which almost caught us out. Had to give the mooring a miss and round-up into the tide to stand any chance of getting onto the mooring with any dignity. British sailing honour only just in tact as we tied up.
St. Malo held little appeal, especially as we had a very exposed mooring, and although it did calm a tad overnight we decided that we would be happier moving on.
Before casting off we did try and find Stephen and Ali's boat, Virago, which was somwewhere ashore in the Etoile boatyard. Failed miserably to find either boat or yard.
Next stop St. Quay Portrieaux in a marina named Port D'Amor which seemed to promise more than the ferry port of St. Malo.
Pass the champagne, cue the accordian and where's Pierre selling over-priced single red roses.
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