around this coast certainly concentrates the mind. The tides think nothing of rising and falling thirty feet, the tidal flows are almost the same speed as the boat in places and to add to the fun, piloting around the coast involves dodging huge rocks most of which are submerged and redady to bite great lumps out of your hull.
But the navigation challenges are made worthwhile by the places we visit and the trips we make. The journey from St. Quay was interesting as we ran parallel to the coast for much of the way and then we picked our way through rocks and sand bars creeping into to the river entrance opposite the Ile de Brehat one of the Breton gems and another serious sailing challenge.
We motored up river to Lezardrieux and tied up alongside a marina hammerhead, which is a pontoon not a shark lest you should worry. The yacht club serves a nice beer, the wine is better than plonk and the food is excellent. They were even able to produce a Drambuie nightcap. The town is a short walk up a slightly steep hill but satisfies most needs - butcher, baker, cafe, laundry and once a week a market.
We have found that no matter how well we are intentioned of staying just a day or so in port then pressing on we always seem to stay longer and cover less ground. This port is proving to be no exception. It's easy pace, convenience and welcome and argue against casting off and exploring further - just yet.
Well, supper on board calls so time to sign off for the moment.
Hope all's well with everyone at home - it's good to get your messages.
Trevor & Jo